本次年會將於 11/15-17 盛大舉行,誠邀您參加 色素專場,共襄盛舉。此次議程精采豐富,涵蓋從基礎研究到臨床應用的深入探討,歡迎各位醫師掌握最新的色素疾病研究動態✨。
📅 色素專場
地點:台北國際會議中心 R201 BC
🎙️ 講者:
- John Harris醫師(麻省大學):最新白斑症轉譯研究
- 黃昭瑜醫師(長庚):藥物與手術的綜合治療策略
- Jung Min Bae醫師(韓國):白斑大數據分析
- 孫熒醫師(高醫):TDA白斑專家共識報告
- 鄭煜彬醫師(國泰):黑色素沉著的鑑別診斷模式
- 呂賴穎醫師(長庚):黃褐斑實證醫學與治療進展
💡 專場亮點:
很榮幸能夠邀請到我的啟蒙教授 Prof. John E. Harris(美國麻省醫院皮膚科主任兼白斑治療中心主任)分享白斑治療的最新趨勢與國際前沿研究。
地點:台北國際會議中心 R201 BC
he 50th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Dermatological Association is coming soon!
This year’s meeting will take place from November 15-17, and we warmly invite you to attend the Pigmentary Disorders Session. The agenda is packed with rich content, from basic research to clinical applications, offering a comprehensive update on the latest research in pigmentary disorders✨
✨Pigmentary Disorders Session✨
📅 Date: November 16 (Saturday)
🕒 Time: 10:30-12:30
📍 Location: Taipei International Convention Center, Room R201 BC
👥 Moderators: Dr. Cheng-Che E. Lan (Taiwan), Dr. Chau Yee Ng (Taiwan)
🎙️ Topics & Speakers:
10:30-10:50 High-Resolution -Omics Leads to Novel Targets for the Treatment of Vitiligo
Dr. John E. Harris (USA)
10:50-11:10 Optimizing Therapeutic Outcomes in Vitiligo with Combination Therapy
Dr. Chau Yee Ng (Taiwan)
11:10-11:30 Lessons from Healthcare Big Data for Vitiligo and Phototherapy
Dr. Jung Min Bae (Korea)
11:30-11:50 TDA Consensus for Vitiligo
Dr. Yng Sun (Taiwan)
11:50-12:10 Evidence-Based Treatment for Melasma
Dr. Lai-Ying Lu (Taiwan)
12:10-12:30 Differential Diagnosis of Hyperpigmentation Disorders
Dr. Yu-Pin Cheng (Taiwan)
💡 Session Highlights:
This session will feature the latest research and clinical insights into pigmentary disorders, designed to enhance precision in patient care. Don’t miss this invaluable professional gathering filled with insights and expertise!
✨Rxillient Symposium✨
We’re honored to welcome Prof. John E. Harris, Dermatology Chair and Vitiligo Center Director at UMass as he shares the latest trends and cutting-edge research on vitiligo treatments, including updates on new JAK inhibitor creams.
Prof Harris will also be the plenary speaker.
📅 Date: November 16 (Saturday)
🕒 Time: 12:30-13:30
📍 Location: Taipei International Convention Center, Room R201 BC
👥 Moderator: Dr. Chau Yee Ng
We look forward to your participation, joining us to explore the latest advancements in vitiligo and pigmentary disorders ✨🥰