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East Asia Vitiligo Association(EAVA)Yamagata東亞白斑學會 - 山形市

受邀到山形市參加第四屆東亞白斑學會的醫學會議,是個很有趣的經驗,認識了更多白斑症領域一起努力的新朋友、也趁機和老朋友們敘敘舊~ 才發現東亞區很多的歷史文化、飲食和語言如此的相似~

會議上討論了很多白斑症相關的課題,各國專精白斑症的皮膚科醫師,從基礎研究、動物實驗到臨床研究。我們台灣隊這次由藍正哲醫師、陳盈君醫師和我共同分享我們台灣的白斑症研究。高醫由藍正哲醫師分享的是「白斑症的進展Vitiligo evolving landscape 」,陳盈君醫師分享的是「照光治療的光密度 Importance of photodensity in phototherapy」。


1. 「白斑症AI 輔助性斷層分子檢查於白斑色素移植的研發 AI assisted CRFF- OCT examination in vitiligo graft 」: 探討人工智能輔助的高解析皮膚斷層掃描對於白斑色素移植的應用

2. 「人體嘎瑪干擾素抗體減緩白斑症的黑色素細胞破壞 Halting melanocytoxicity with Human interferon gamma monoclonal antibody EI-001」:探討我們與長庚大學顧教授實驗室,自行研發並技轉的人類抗嘎瑪干擾素,對白斑症黑色素細胞的作用與未來作為新藥開發的可能性


日本的Host 總是那麼的溫暖,會前特別提醒大家當地天氣,車程路線,更安排的會後的小旅行,可惜天不作美,無法去近郊登山踏青,體驗山形縣的自然美景。

一開始看到大會設計一直納悶為什麼是萬聖節設計(很像鬼馬小精靈),結果經大會Tsuzuki 教授說明,才知道原來是可愛的「雪之妖精」日本銀喉長尾山雀鳥~(≧▽≦)/~ 代表白斑症的雪白顏色。而且是教授親自作畫,真的很可愛☺️

EAVA was a memorable experience meeting new and old friends in the vitiligo field. I was struck by how similar East Asia’s history, culture, and languages are.

The Japanese hosts were warm and caring, providing weather updates, transportation tips, and even organizing a post-conference trip. Sadly, the weather prevented us from hiking in Yamagata’s beautiful mountains, but we enjoyed “十四代龍月,” Japan’s top sake, and it was fun having pasta with chopsticks on a tatami mat, plus chilled dandan noodles with ice cubes—surprisingly tasty 😋

I was puzzled by the Halloween-themed design of the conference until Professor Tsuzuki explained it was inspired by the adorable “Snow Fairy” bird, symbolizing the white color of vitiligo. The professor even illustrated it himself—so cute ☺️


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